Monday, 15 June 2015

Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve

A walk around the Ley!

First up, what is Slapton Ley

It's a National Nature Reserve which is based at the largest freshwater lake in South West England being 1.5 miles long. It is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Geological Conservation Review Site. There is a Field Centre just up the road from the Ley. 

Where is it?

It is located just a few minutes down the road from the hotel. Just off the A379 between Kingsbridge and Dartmouth and lies within the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. (AONB)

What's it like?

It is a peaceful wildlife sanctuary with a footpath around one side that allows you to connect directly with nature. Follow this link to find out more.

Why should I visit?

Well we like to go there to unwind. Just strolling around the footpath with a pair of binoculars, listening and looking at the birds in amongst the reeds, out on the open water, in the air above or in the trees and woodlands is just so relaxing. Certain times of year are particularly special. In the Autumn, Starlings gather just before dusk to roost in the reed beds. Tens of thousands of them swirl in a murmuration that is a true spectacle and not to be missed. At other times it is chicks and ducklings to see or just passing visitors. 
Surely something for all bird and nature lovers all year round.

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